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Articles in Refereed Journals

Shafir, T., Angulo-Barroso, R., Calatroni, A., Jimenez, E., Lozoff, B. (2006). Effects of iron deficiency in infancy on patterns of motor development over time. Human Movement Science, 25(6), 821-838.


Shafir, T., Angulo-Barroso, R., Jing, Y., Angelilli, M. L., Jacobson S. W., Lozoff, B. (2008). Iron Deficiency and Infant Motor Development. Early Human Development, 84, 479-485.


Plunkett, M.J., Szemraj, J., Tilbury, D.M., Tardif, T., Felt, B., Kaciroti, N., Angulo- Barroso, R., Shafir, T., Wang, L. (2008). Dynamic systems modeling of cortisol response in pre-schoolers using emotion and activity inputs. Development and Learning, 2008. ICDL 2008. 7th IEEE International Conference, 192-197.


Shafir, T., Angulo-Barroso, R., Jing, Y., Angelilli, M. L., Jacobson S. W., Lozoff, B. (2009). Iron deficiency anemia in infancy and reach and grasp development. Infant Behavior and Development, 32(4), 366-375.


Shafir, T., Brown, S. H. (2010). Timing and the control of rhythmic upper-limb movements. Journal of Motor Behavior, 42(1) 71-84.

Angulo-Barroso, R. M., Schapiro, L., Liang, W., Rodrigues, O., Shafir, T., Kaciroti, N., Jacobson, S. W., and Lozoff, B. ( 2011). Motor development in 9-month- old infants in relation to cultural differences and iron status. Developmental Psychobiology, 53(2),196-210.


Mickey, B. J., Zhou, Z., Heitzeg, M. M., Heinz, E., Hodgkinson, C. A., Hsu, D. T., Langenecker, S. A., Love, T. M., Peciña, M., Shafir, T., Stohler, C. S., Goldman, D., Zubieta, J. K. (2011). Emotion Processing, Major Depression, and Functional Genetic Variation of Neuropeptide Y. Archives of General Psychiatry 68(2), 158- 166.   (The journal recently changed its name to JAMA Psychiatry).

Shafir, T., Love, T. M., Berent-Spillson, A., Persad, C. C., Wang, H., Reame, N. K., Frey, K. A., Zubieta, J-K., Smith, Y. R. (2012) Postmenopausal Hormone Use Impact on Emotion Processing Circuitry. Behavioural Brain Research, 226(1), 147-153.


Hsu, D., Mickey, B., Langenecker, S., Heitzeg, M., Love, T., Wang, H., Kennedy, S., Pecina, M., Shafir, T., Hodgkinson, C.A., Enoch, M., Goldman, D., Zubieta, J-K. (2012) Variation in the Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor 1 (CRHR1) Gene

influences fMRI Signal Responses during Emotional Stimulus Processing. Journal of Neuroscience. 32(9), 3253-3260.


Shafir, T., Taylor, S.F, Atkinson, A.P, Langenecker, S.A., Zubieta. J-K. (2013) Emotion regulation through execution, observation, and imagery of emotional movements. Brain and Cognition, 82, 219-227.

Bernstein, R., Shafir, T., Tsachor, R., Studd, K., Schuster, A. (2015). Laban Movement Analysis Using Kinect. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Computer, Electrical, Automation, Control and Information Engineering, 9(6), 1394 - 1398.


Bernstein, R., Shafir, T., Tsachor, R., Studd, K., Schuster, A. (2015). Multitask learning for Laban movement analysis. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Movement and Computing (pp 37-44). ACM.


Shafir, T. (2016). Using Movement to Regulate Emotion: Neurophysiological Findings and Their Application in Psychotherapy. [Perspective]. Frontiers in Psychology, 7(1451). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01451


Shafir, T., Tsachor, R. P. and Welch, K. (2016). Emotion regulation through movement: Unique sets of movement characteristics are associated with and enhance basic emotions. Frontiers in Psychology 6, 2030, 1-15.


Leisman, G., Moustafa, A. A., and Shafir, T. (2016) Thinking, Walking, Talking: Integratory Motor and Cognitive Brain Function. Frontiers in Public Health 4, 94

Tsachor, R.P. and Shafir, T. (2017) A Somatic Movement Approach to Fostering Emotional Resiliency through Laban Movement Analysis. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 11:410. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00410


Tsachor, R. P., & Shafir, T. (2019). How Shall I Count the Ways? A Method for Quantifying the Qualitative Aspects of Unscripted Movement With Laban Movement Analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(572). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00572


Spitzer, N., Shafir, T., Lerman, Y., & Werner, P. (2019). The Relationship between Caregiver Burden and Emotion Recognition Deficits in Persons with MCI and Early AD: The Mediating Role of Caregivers' Subjective Evaluations. Alzheimer disease and associated disorders.

doi: 10.1097/wad.0000000000000323

Melzer, A., Shafir, T., & Tsachor, R. P. (2019). How do we recognize emotion from movement? Specific motor components contribute to the recognition of each emotion. Frontiers in Psychology 10, 1389.
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01389

Shafir, T., Orkibi, H., Baker, F. A., Gussak, D. and Kamial, G. (2020). The State of the art in creative arts therapies. Frontiers in Psychology 11, 68.

Shafir, T. (2021) Neurophysiologische Mechanismen der Bewegung-Emotion-Interaktion und ihre Verwendung in der Tanz- und Bewegungstherapie. (Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying movement-emotion interaction and their application in dance-movement therapy). körper–tanz–bewegung, 9 (1), 17-30. DOI 10.2378 / ktb2021.art03d.

Wang, J. Z., Zhao, S., Wu, C., Adams, R. B., Newman, M. G., Shafir, T., & Tsachor, R. (2023). Unlocking the Emotional World of Visual Media: An Overview of the Science, Research, and Impact of Understanding Emotion. Proceedings of the IEEE, 111(10), 1236-1286. doi:10.1109/JPROC.2023.3273517 (Invited paper).


Wu, C., Davaasuren, D., Shafir, T., Tsachor, R., & Wang, J. Z. (2023). Bodily expressed emotional understanding through integrating Laban movement analysis. Patterns, 4(10). doi:10.1016/j.patter.2023.100816

Shafir, T. (2024). Review of: "“The Forbidden Planet”: AI and Psychology: Prepare and Sound the Alarm!". Qeios. doi:10.32388/9HOGZ9. (The original article with reviews is at:

Hauke, G., Lohr-Berger, C., & Shafir, T. (2024). Emotional activation in a cognitive behavioral setting: extending the tradition with embodiment. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1409373.

Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books

Shafir, T. (2015). Movement-based strategies for emotion regulation. Invited chapter for M.L. Bryant (Ed.), Handbook on Emotion Regulation: Processes, Cognitive Effects and Social Consequences (pp. 231-249). Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

Shafir, T. (2021) Neurophysiological aspects of dance movement therapy for psychiatric rehabilitation. In: Volpe U. (eds) Arts therapies in psychiatric rehabilitation. Springer, Cham.


Shafir, T. (2024) Modeling Emotion Perception from Body Movements for Human-Machine Interactions using Laban Movement Analysis. Invited chapter in Wang, J. Z and Adams, R. B Jr. (Eds.), Modeling Visual Aesthetics, Emotion, and Artistic Style. Springer (pp.313-330). ISBN: 303150268X

שפיר, ט. (2024) נוירופיזיולוגיה של האינטראקציה בין תנועה לרגשות. בתוך: שמית קדוש, רונית שלו ואלון רז (עורכים) בגוף הטיפול: פסיכותרפיה משלבת גוף, נפש ורוח. פרדס הוצאה לאור, חיפה

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Plunkett, M.J., Szemraj, J., Tilbury, D.M., Tardif, T., Felt, B., Kaciroti, N., Angulo- Barroso, R., Shafir, T., Wang, L. (2008). Dynamic systems modeling of cortisol response in pre-schoolers using emotion and activity inputs. Development and Learning, 2008. ICDL 2008. 7th IEEE International Conference, 192-197

Shafir, T. and Tsachor, R. (2014) Collaborative Research: Practical Steps for Transforming your Clinical and Educational Insights into Research through Teamwork. Proceedings of the American Dance Therapy Association Annual Conference, B5, 1-6


Bernstein, R., Shafir, T., Tsachor, R., Studd, K., & Schuster, A. (2015). Multitask learning for Laban movement analysis. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Movement and Computing (pp 37-44). ACM.


Tsachor, R. and Shafir, T. (2015) Body/Mind Connection: Clinical Implications of New Research into Emotion Recognition from Movements, Using Laban Analysis. Proceedings of the American Dance Therapy Association Annual Meeting, A3, 1-8

Tsachor, R. and Shafir, T. (2016). The Italian Dance Manual as a Source of Action for Theatre. Proceedings of the Historical Dance Symposium 247-253









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